Sunday 5 June 2011

Autumn Fun - Again!

We just can't get enough of playing in the fallen leaves - it's too fun!

We just can't get enough of playing in the fallen leaves - it's too fun!

Friday 27 May 2011

Autumn Colours

There's a small window of opportunity to bask in the beautiful Autumn colours on our street. Sadly, most of the leaves have fallen now, but I was able to get these shots of the yummy colours in all their glory.

Botanic Beauty

I had so much fun up at Mt. Tomah Bontanic Gardens (Blue Mountains, Australia) with a wide angled lens that I rented for a few days (Nikkor 10-24mm). The lens is fantastic and is now on my wish-list.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Just for Kicks

What better way to spend a crisp Autumn morning than to cheer your kids on at their Soccer game - Go Colo!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Autumn Fun

We had a great afternoon in the park the other day. I just love the autumn leaves. Miss M, my 6 year old, took the photo of me and her brothers - great job sweetie!

Golf Course Photo Shoot

What a glorious morning for a photoshoot on Cumberland Golf Course last week.